AML via eCOS with InfoTrack – 24 April at 11.00 am (1 hour)

Performing accurate, timely AML checks is a key part of an efficient client onboarding process and lays the foundations for compliance across the conveyancing journey.

Managing AML through InfoTrack’s eCOS onboarding solution allows you to quickly and easily order an AML check to fulfil your KYC responsibilities with a single click of your mouse.

Join us as we demonstrate how eCOS One-click AML:

  • Allows you to extract the client’s information directly from their identity document
  • ID and PEP / Sanctions checks against 12 official datasets
  • Complies with the latest EU 5th Directive requirements
  • Is HMRC Safe Harbour compliant
  • Provides ongoing monitoring and alerts for 12 months

InfoTrack is a powerful digital conveyancing solution offering client onboarding, searches, post-completion, report on title and more.