Litera: 7 reasons law firms use dynamic checklists to manage transactions

From mergers and acquisitions to venture capital deals and real estate sales, legal transactions are—to put it mildly—complex and challenging. The stakes are high, clients are stressed and on edge, and losing time increases the possibility that a deal might fall through.

But lawyers can’t rush through transactions. Throughout, lawyers must keep everyone up to date on the status of the deal and shepherd each individual document and to-do item across the finish line. Checklists are a major component of that work, and dynamic checklists are the way to streamline and simplify every step of corporate transactions, from negotiating NDAs, to creating and managing signing, to creating closing sets.

In this guide we’ll walk through:

  • The top reasons law firms use dynamic checklists;
  • How dynamic checklist technology can revolutionize transaction management;
  • How checklist tools fit within broader transaction management platforms; and
  • The security of dynamic checklist collaboration.

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Litera is the leading provider of workflow, collaboration, and data management solutions for law firms and legal teams globally.