Litera: What’s new in CAM: On-demand webinar

Modern collaboration has taken a different form and with it many challenges have arisen. Organisations are strategizing on how they can transform their digital collaboration while addressing their privacy and governance challenges. That’s where Litera CAM comes in. A Software-as-a-Service platform (SaaS), serving as the “missing layer” of provisioning and governance to ensure your teams collaborate more efficiently and securely.

With client feedback in mind, CAM is continuously improving to address organisations’ ever-changing needs. CAM will also be equipped with a dashboard framework capability – stay tuned next quarter for that.

Join this webinar with Tina Harkins, Director of Product, Governance, Sharon Cannon, Product Manager, and Aurora Bucaj, Product Marketing Specialist to learn about CAM’s new features:

  • Ability to provision File Shares
  • Ability to provision SharePoint sites
  • Apply ethical walls to MS Teams
  • Enhancement to Content Mover to copy M365 audit logs to the DMS audit
  • There will be more to come…
  • You’ll also get a sneak peek at CAM’s new dashboard framework capability, and let’s just say… you don’t want to miss out on that!

Join this webinar and get excited with us about CAM’s new features!


  • Tina Harkins, Director of Product, Governance
  • Sharon Cannon, Product Manager
  • Aurora Bucaj, Product Marketing Specialist

Click here to watch the webinar

Litera is the leading provider of workflow, collaboration, and data management solutions for law firms and legal teams globally.