NetDocuments: 10 legal tech trends for 2022 and beyond with insights from across the industry

The role of technology in a law firm is to expedite workflows, accelerate growth and increase the value of the services delivered to clients. When used strategically, technology can also free teams from mundane tasks and enable them to apply their expertise to more interesting, higher-value work. As a result, law firms become more efficient, innovative, competitive and profitable.

We’ve all been reminded over the last few years that change is ongoing and inevitable. The legal industry pivoted to accommodate immediate needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many firms embracing new technologies and reinventing strategic approaches. But what’s next? What technology trends should law firms expect this year and beyond?

This report covers 10 legal tech trends that have the potential to drive meaningful outcomes. Read on to discover each trend, how your team can mobilise to benefit from them and what thought leaders from across the industry have to say.

  1. Hyperautomation Will Drive Workflows
  2. Interest In Platformisation Will Grow
  3. Organisations Will Require Cloud-Native Solutions
  4. Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Capabilities Will Improve
  5. Privacy Regulations Will Expand
  6. Secure Data Sharing Will Become Table Stakes
  7. Cybersecurity Mesh And Other Approaches Will Help Address Remote Work Vulnerabilities
  8. Cybersecurity Teams Will Evolve Into Cyber Resilience Teams
  9. Accessibility Will Gain More Attention
  10. Technology Will Be Used To Improve Employee Satisfaction

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