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Advanced Legal: Still using desktop forms…?

Give your firm a facelift with Cloud Forms.

Taking the next step in your software journey can be daunting. “Is the current system sufficient enough?”, “Would a new software or solution be too disruptive?” and “Will the new software optimise and improve existing tasks or functions?” these are some of the questions you might be finding yourself asking. Finding a solution that not only builds upon existing success but also answers your concerns, whilst causes minimal disruption is not easy, but it’s not impossible either!

In addition to these questions, you’ll want your future solutions to be ‘future-proof’ and one of the ways you can do that is by looking at upcoming trends within the working world as well as your industry. We recently released a report on productivity trends generated by responses from over 1000 decision-makers in the UK, followed by 8 tips on futureproofing and workplace productivity. As the world slowly returns to normal after the pandemic, one of the most notable trends is flexible working, set to stay post-pandemic. This only further highlights the increased need for cloud-based solutions.

So, what are the biggest features that differentiate a cloud-based forms solution from desktop forms?

The ability to send directly to clients

With Cloud Forms not only do you have access to a library of over 3000 forms, but to further streamline processes for you, Cloud Forms allows you to send some of our forms directly to clients through Cloud Forms itself, saving you valuable time and in turn, helping increase productivity. Having all your forms accessible from one location speeds up the ability to locate the form you want and sending it to your client.


It’s browser-based

This is a huge advantage for several reasons, it means that there is no need for downloading software. This means no blocking out hours upon hours for your IT department to install new software onto every single user’s devices and no need for manual updates ever. In addition to this, it also means  you can access your forms at anytime, anywhere- on the train to work, late night at home, or even abroad! Opening up the possibilities for firms to be more flexible as well as speed up turnaround times and reduce the need for commuting.

Your forms are always up to date

The legal world is forever changing, and that is reflected upon within legal forms. With Cloud Forms the burden of having to constantly check for form updates and changes are taken off of you. With some forms changed as frequently as weekly, we have a dedicated team of experts in the field who monitor industry changes and react to- and thus implement new form changes faster than many other providers.  Meaning you spend less time on administrative tasks and freeing up time for other tasks.

Real data and reports at your fingertips

Every industry can benefit from reports and data, and it’s no different in legal. One of the biggest advantages of cloud forms is its reporting function which helps you monitor your team, what forms they’re interacting with and the response time. The ability to see exactly where costs have been incurred, helps you not only make decisions based on that, but it also enables you to attribute costs of applications to departments and assess the costs of departments.

Combining Desktop and Cloud forms

Cloud forms boasts a unique combination of both desktop and cloud features, making the switch to cloud less disruptive and more familiar for anyone new to the software. With a combination of intuitive UI, the familiarity of desktop functions and searchable help utilising intelligent support, means users will quickly and comfortably be able to settle into using the new software, making the switch to cloud a no brainer!

Intelligent support

Cloud Forms provides support to users through a variety of different ways. The user is able to search for help at any time through the searchable help function, but in addition to this there’s a smart function that accumulates most common searches and brings them to the top for an F.A.Q, helping users quickly navigate the help section and increase self sufficiency and faster turnaround.

Learn more about Cloud Forms and how you can take your forms game to the next level through clicking here. Whether you’re looking to make the switch or just enquiring, our teams are ready to answer all your queries and find out how to best suit your firms needs.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.