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Advanced Legal: 4 reasons why a Cloud-based Digital Dictation software should be your next investment

A Cloud-based Digital Dictation software provides fast document turnaround times, easy job sharing and full mobility, with compliance and risk management built-in. With legal firms operating in a diverse and changing landscape, driven by regulatory reforms, rising levels of competition, consumer pressure and evolving technologies, they’ve been forced to consider new, more efficient ways to deliver all legal services. Dictation is no exception to that, and a cloud-based digital dictation software is just one of the ways we shave off that extra time and extra work to help make your firm more efficient. To see the full range of our legal solutions click here.

1. Timesaving

The legal industry is one that values every second of time and it’s vital to make use of every moment and increase billable tasks while reducing the time spent on non-billable tasks. One of the key features of a dictation software is timesaving through its very nature. By having the ability to dictate documents rather than type it out, you save valuable time that can be spent on other more pressing tasks.

Jess Raebitt – IT Officer said, “Our secretaries can instantly see all the waiting transcriptions and the length and priority of each one. We’re all feeling the benefits of time savings and increased productivity.”

2. Remote access

Our Digital Dictation software can be accessed anywhere at any time from any Windows device. As we all know, the pandemic raised the importance of accessibility and remote access features, post-pandemic this will still be a necessity, with many eager for flexible working opportunities or continuing to work from home. The ability to remotely access your dictation software enables Digital Dictation to remain future proof and relevant with the change in times.

3. It’s Cloud-based

Similarly, a Cloud-based system helps enable remote access by ensuring your files and software are accessible at all times. With no need for downloads, it means your team can get straight to it with minimal disruption, it also means no manual updates. One of the major advantages of Cloud is that there’s no risk of data being lost if for example your PC loses its data. Lastly there’s the cost-saving aspect of Cloud which benefits any firm!

Richard French – Partner said, “Moving to the Cloud has decreased the pressure on our infrastructure and we’ve benefited from significant cost savings. You can’t argue with the advantage of getting a better system for less money.”

4. Personalise your software

Not only do you have the base solution of Digital Dictation but there are additional modules always being added to the solution to further tailor the software to your firm’s specific needs. One of the most recent modules to be added is the deferred speech recognition module- one that brings Digital Dictation into the future with our advanced speech recognition. What this module does is allow the client to record their dictation as per normal however the dictation is uploaded onto the digital dictation server from their PC and run through the AWS speech recognition and turned into text then returned to the user along with the audio. When pressing play you’ll find that the audio is synced with the text, highlighting the corresponding words with the audio currently playing.

You’ll be able to then edit or copy the text- the AWS speech recognition allows for highly accurate results with minimal edits, saving your firm and its users even more time. Our Deferred Speech module utilises AI to provides advanced speech recognition capable of adding accurate punctuation to your text, with the capability to learn constantly as you use the software as a user.

What next?

Want to learn more about our Digital dictation software? Click here to read more on the features of our software, read testimonials, view our current notable clients and more. You can also speak to one of our experts through our newly launched chat where we can find and tailor the right solution to your firms needs.

In addition to this we hold monthly webinars where you can drop in with the Digital Dictation team every month for a view into our cloud dictation software. In this casual virtual environment, you will also have the opportunity to speak to one of us about the world of legal dictation and transcription as we answer your questions during the Q&A at the end of each session. To learn more about our Digital Dictation drop-in sessions or to register click here.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.