Accesspoint Legal Services: Providing your firm with easy and effective automation solutions

Keeping up with the rush of conveyancing work can be demanding, especially for SME firms who perhaps have less manpower under their belt. Resource is valuable, and this past year has taught us that investing in the right technology is essential when it comes to lessening the hassle of manual everyday work, everlasting paperwork and repetitive tasks.

With the recent stamp duty deadline now behind us but another just around the corner, the workload for conveyancing teams is still in heavy demand. So, it might be worth exploring what the legal market has to offer to ease the pressure away from your team and consider utilising effective automation tools during this extended busy period.

Our Sales and Purchase Screens and Workflows can ensure data accuracy around the workflow involved and inject the data straight into your PMS as well as utilise the many integrations such as Perfect Portal and InfoTrack to make your work easier and more streamlined.

Provide your firm with the perfect automation solution required to continue delivering clients with excellent service and desired outcomes.

How can it help your firm?


‘Out of the box’ Workflows

The usual process for creating a workflow can be drawn out and the timeframe for completion can often take many months as it is commonly framed around a rigid format that requires extra work to adhere to the firm’s specific requirements which carry higher costs. Our Sale & Purchase Screens and Workflows resolve this issue with an ‘out of the box’ workflow format allowing your firm to instantly benefit from all sale and purchase conveyancing transactions. This can then be added to and developed in-line with your own in-house procedures.

Enable Team ‘buy in’

We have seen first-hand how many firms make the fatal mistake of not including the real users of the new system at the start of the project, resulting in resistance and complaints from the team. Our system has been simplified and designed with your firm in mind to allow easy adoption. Additionally, our experienced team are always on hand to provide any extra support needed for your firm, so that you can achieve faster results whilst not compromising on the outcome for your clients. Furthermore, our effective Sale & Purchase Screens have been developed in Tikit P4W to enable an easy and smooth transition for existing users to transfer important details from one place to another quickly.

Streamlined Integration

The Sale & Purchase Screens and Workflows facilitate the best integrations to allow a more streamlined process for you and your client. Your firm can instantly benefit from the seamless integration with Perfect Portal, so when matters are created in P4W the information from Perfect Portal is stored within the screens, this then auto populates either Oyez or Laser Forms. Additionally, the Sale and Purchase screens have been designed to work when using Infotrack so that the information is available to auto populate their forms.

Effective Organisation

For many, working a hectic schedule whilst providing a high-quality service can often result in more stress for those who have been tasked with completing the admin work. Not only can the Sale & Purchase Screens and Workflows automate the necessary admin work involved, but they can also send prompts and reminders within a workflow to ensure that key actions or dates such as Exchange and Completion are not missed and automatically added to fee earners and central calendars if applicable, mitigating the high-risk elements of this type of work.


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