NetDocuments: More law firms than ever are making the move from on-prem software to the cloud

Moving to the cloud can make your law firm more secure and efficient both immediately and year over year.

The pandemic changed the course of many companies for the long-term. With working remote becoming the norm, VPNs and on-premises solutions consistently slowing down productivity and a greater need for collaboration and security, the benefits of the Cloud are clearer than ever before.

Working remote is the new normal.  While the pandemic certainly sped the ‘work remote’ trend up nearly overnight, pandemic or not, working from home is now here to stay. With that, firms are moving to the cloud (over VPN or on-premises options) to enhance security and productivity. In fact, 89% of ILTA survey respondents stated they now consider moving to the cloud, up 17% from 2019.

Companies want security AND productivity. The unforeseen challenges of 2020 also came with many new applications, technologies and software to ensure business continuity and collaboration while the entire workforce operated from their homes. These rapid shifts inadvertently caused data and security fragmentation throughout organisations. With a cloud-based docume

Companies want long-lasting results and to minimise change. Changing any system or process at a firm requires a financial investment as well as time. To minimise impact, Firms are recognising that true-cloud solutions will streamline efforts overtime, minimising new software to learn and risky upgrades to manage. In fact, 48% of respondents in the 2020 ILTA survey state they plan to move to the cloud  for good.  

Companies are tired of waiting for bug fixes. Cloud software makes it possible to catch bugs  early, fix them quickly and push out fixes  instantaneously to users—alleviating headaches  for IT typically associated with software issues and downtime for service users. 

Source: 2019 ILTA Technology Surveynt management system, many of these unforeseen challenges can be alleviated. 

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