
DPS Software: Help your clients move home without leaving your own

If you’re working in a conveyancing department, you probably took a bit of a hit when the lockdown was announced. After all, conveyancing is the practice area most negatively affected by COVID-19. But now, as the lockdown ends, I’m guessing you’re probably getting things back up and running, albeit in a much different way to how your business worked before.

That’s where we can help. With DPS Software, you can complete all of the conveyancing process paperlessly, online and, therefore, from home. Your fee earners and support staff can all get back up and running in a jiffy and complete your clients’ transactions without ever having to step foot outside of the house.

We’re holding a webinar this Thursday showing you just how.

You’ll get to see how you can complete property searches, obtain official copy and submit the AP1 to the Land Registry all from the DPS Case Management System. You will also see how to share forms with your clients for them to complete electronically and update your case file in DPS. And finally, you’ll also get to see how to complete searches with tmgroup, have all of your completed searches automatically returned to the case file, and all bills automatically sent to your accounts team.

Not only will you learn how to complete the conveyancing process from home, but also how to do it more efficiently, accurately and whilst providing your client with an even better service whilst social distancing.

To see it for yourself, register for our webinar here:

Access Legal provides an unrivalled suite of software solutions that scale to your practice - freeing you up to focus on what you do best