NetDocuments: From perk to profit

The days of grinding out 80-hour weeks in the office on top of a long daily commute are over. Whether it’s flexible hours, flexible location, work-from-home or going “part time,” law firms are changing their ways and opening the door to new policies that benefit both employees and the bottom line. With the right strategy, your firm can use this perk to make a real profit. 

As more company’s switch to a more flexible work environment across the globe, it is essential to be prepared to ensure the transition is smooth for all employees. This paper covers many of the benefits that come from implementing a remote work policy. 


We’ll also detail some of the challenges and offer solutions to help you manage them. Finally, we have five simple steps to help you get started. 

The benefits of remote work for law firmsThe perks of remote work are more than just avoiding commutes and working in your pajamas. Beyond mere convenience, firms should also recognise the ways flexible work can be an advantage for them and their clients, while providing significant benefits for employees as well.

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