Accesspoint Legal Technologies

Accesspoint Media talks unleashing your websites full potential with integrations and SEO

With most offices now closed in the UK, it is perhaps now more important than ever to focus on your firm’s online presence. Without initial face to face consultations, your firm will have to rely on its website to make a good first impression whilst being an efficient virtual office that can pull in prospects and maintain the level of service expected from your existing clients.

Our knowledge and expertise within legal marketing has allowed us to provide innovative solutions to unleash your websites full potential and make it work smarter.

Integrating your PMS to your website

If you want your firm’s website to be the best that it can be, invest in integrations that allow your site to have a more joined up approach to your workflow as well as attract a wealth of new clients. Our website integration feature is a perfect ‘must have’, as it provides your site with the necessary tools to easily collect client information via webforms and seamlessly inject the data straight into your PMS. Once it is in your PMS it will automatically validate the enquiry against existing entities and create a prospect, whilst simultaneously notifying the nominated fee earners of the new enquiry. Guaranteeing that your firm will never miss an opportunity again. In addition to this, the website forensic feature offers your firm valuable information as it tracks the entire digital journey of a client from the initial touch points such as Facebook/LinkedIn/Google right up to the completion of their case, allowing you to identify which marketing channels are providing quality leads and providing a positive return on investment and those that aren’t. The results will then be captured within your PMS. All of this will ensure your website is a high performing data driven site that enables your firm to act faster and efficiently.

Increasing your firm’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

In today’s environment, visibility is key. You can have the fanciest website with all the latest gadgets, but you risk having no one finding it without sufficient and effective SEO. This is arguably the most important area to maintain with any website. At Accesspoint we focus on creating detailed SEO strategies that suit your firm’s requirements, constantly working to boost your ranking on popular search engines and stand out from the competition.  Over a short time, you will begin to see the improvements – being able to connect with visitors who are looking for your services and eventually seeing an increase in the number of enquiries made, plus more knowledgeable insights to your target audience.

Addressing effective PMS integrations and SEO is essential in unlocking your websites full potential and at Accesspoint we are dedicated to provide your firm with the ongoing support needed to maintain a functional website that works for you.

Accesspoint Legal Technologies
Our legal IT specialists provide firms with managed IT services, including Cloud and Utility/Hosted Computing solutions.