Accesspoint Legal Services talk automated forms to suit your firm

The rising trend in automation has hit the legal industry. More and more forward thinking firms are beginning to adopt new methods to streamline their workflows, don’t get left behind!

As experts in the legal IT sector, we have witnessed first-hand just how important it is to develop innovative forms that combat the everyday problems within a firm, such as the wasted time in manually processing information and the high costs of resources that could potentially be used elsewhere within the firm.

Accesspoint have coded all Oyez forms with the standard core information held within Partner for Windows. These fields include the standard client and matter information as well as fee earner information.

There are many benefits of having pre-coded Oyez forms on your side, one of the main advantages seen has been the valuable time saving element for Law firms.

The Pre-coded Oyez forms allow your firm to spend less time on manual processes, such as re-entering data and relying on paper-based forms. Important details are automatically filled in so your firm can focus on providing a better experience to clients.

The wide variety of pre-coded Oyez forms help provide your firm with a more efficient and effective method of capturing data within the legal process.

To find out more benefits please visit

Providing high quality 'off the shelf’ and bespoke legal IT development services to enable firms to work smarter and more efficiently.