Town Legal ensures standardised and streamlined document creation with template management solution, BigHand Outline

Town Legal LLP, a leading boutique planning law firm based in London, has chosen BigHand’s document template solution, BigHand Outline, to standardise and streamline its legal document creation.

Gavin Curtis, IT Manager at Town Legal explains, “As a fast-growing firm we needed a way to optimise our branding and standardise our document production. Previously, the lawyers would copy old documents which often lead to corrupt documents that took several hours to correctly format as a result, and delaying turnaround times for our clients. BigHand Outline is a game changer, we can now create consistent, high-quality documents, quickly and easily, and regardless of location.”

BigHand Outline is a robust and reliable template management system that works as an extension for Microsoft Word, therefore minimising end-user training and ensuring smooth implementation. Any changes to branding, house style or document layouts are automatically deployed to the templates across the firm, ensuring everyone has the latest version. Gavin describes the benefits of the solution’s integrations, “We had just implemented Net Documents DMS when we chose BigHand Outline for our template management. We have been really impressed with how well the systems are integrated, and how streamlined the whole process is.”

“Choosing BigHand was an easy decision as we’re already using their digital dictation so trusted the technology would just work. While remote working has been in place, people have had to adopt technology quickly and we’ve even found that some of our lawyers have really embraced using digital dictation to produce the content of their legal correspondence, saving time having to otherwise manually type it out.”

He concludes, “Whether it’s a routine letter, or complex contract, with BigHand Outline in place, our staff can easily create consistent documents that optimise our branding and save a lot of time in the process. It’s key technology like BigHand’s that allows us to future-proof the firm and ensure we can continue to deliver first-class client service as we continue to grow.” 

BigHand delivers success for the future by helping law firms achieve professional productivity and operational excellence.