Bates Wells chose the Liberate system from Linetime

“Positive People. Positive Impact.” Bates Wells certainly live up to their strapline, by forging ahead with an important project to replace its Practice Management systems with the Linetime Liberate solution. In 2019 their project board established a clear objective to improve business efficiency and client service levels. During this process it was quickly realised Bates Wells could not achieve this goal using their existing combination of products, which suffered from the common problem of limited integration and technical overhead to maintain by their inhouse IT team.


The decision was made to identify a new comprehensive solution that would meet the firm’s current and future business needs, ideally from a single supplier to eliminate the inherent challenges of integrating separate systems.

Following an extensive 12-month review process Bates Wells chose the Liberate system from Linetime. With a long history and solid reputation, Linetime has a proven track-record of providing modern and effective legal business software, on time and on budget. With a comprehensive range of features and a long-term roadmap extending all the way to Cloud, this decision will allow Bates Wells to achieve its goal and keep ahead of the legal curve both now and in the future. The Project Board were particularly impressed with the intuitive and cohesive nature of Liberate, providing Finance and Practice Management, Case Management, CRM and Business Analytics to its 300+ staff from a single provider.

Linetime CEO David Boland added; “What we enjoyed throughout this process with Bates Wells was their enthusiasm and passion for the project. It’s this commitment we’re excited to continue throughout the implementation phase, and our relationship with them into the future” Sally Procopis, Bates Wells Chief Operating Officer, explains; “We took great care to choose an integrated product, that suited a firm of our size and budget and that had a smooth user-friendly interface.  A critical factor for us was also, do we trust these people and do we want to work with them?  Linetime met all of these criteria.”

PracticeEvolve provide a progressive reliable Case & Matter Management software with a clear pathway to the Cloud