iManage releases Records Manager 10.1

iManage, the company dedicated to transforming how professionals work, announces the immediate availability of iManage Records Manager (IRM) 10.1, the newest version of its industry-leading Information Governance and Records Management product. Powerful enhancements to the user experience deliver simplicity, flexibility, and deep insights that improve the oversight and enforcement of records management and security policies. Central to the IRM update is a highly configurable dashboard that provides a ‘single pane of glass’ oversight into records operations, empowering users in varying roles to create customised views of key metrics critical to their functions.

With over 600,000 users worldwide, iManage Records Manager is the leading records management solution for legal and professional service firms, providing comprehensive management of physical and electronic records from desktop, tablet, or smartphone – across media types, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

The newly integrated dashboard enhancements provide end users, records clerks, and records mangers a more intuitive experience while delivering actionable, real-time views into a firm’s records management operations. Role-specific dashboards can be finely tuned for users’ needs. This eliminates having to search across different repositories or run disparate reports for information integral to maintaining digital and paper records. Metrics charts allow for click-through, ensuring that the detail behind charts can be inspected and action taken where needed.

“There’s a lot of excitement around the IRM dashboard,” said Jim Merrifield, Director of Information Governance and Business Intake, Robinson & Cole. “Upgrading to the latest version will be a real game changer for traditional Records Managers. Immediate, at-a-glance data access across office locations will allow my team to make timely decisions based on key metrics, without needing an IT background to run queries and generate reports. The insight we gain will also be a key factor in informing decisions about where to place resources.”

A Common Platform Geared toward Risk Management

Seamless integration with iManage Work 10, the company’s flagship document and email management system, delivers a consistent user experience and enables key records operations  directly from the document management system, such as making records requests, and seeing associated records stored alongside documents and emails in iManage Work 10.

iManage’s document management and information governance approach is closely attuned to the evolving landscape of risk and regulatory compliance requirements, including emerging privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA. For example, recently imposed requirements of GDPR – such as the right to be forgotten – make the proper retention and policy-based deletion of information vitally important. In addition, iManage Records Manager offers an easy transition from legacy records management systems, such as LegalKEY and Elite 3E Records Manager, safeguarding organisations from significant security and compliance risks.

“Information governance remains a leading issue across many data and IP-intensive organisations,” said Ian Raine, VP of Product Management, iManage. “We tapped into the collective experience of our user community, gathering input from surveys and advisory boards, to identify the metrics that really mattered to RMs and to deliver that information in a way that is intuitive, flexible and doesn’t burden IT. With actionable information at user fingertips, efficiency climbs and risk declines.”


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