Accesspoint Legal Services talk police station attendance forms for Legal Aid firms

Budget cuts are a big problem within the legal aid sector and many firms find it difficult to provide a financially viable method to give their often vulnerable clients access to justice, whilst maintaining the pay for their hard working team.

Now more than ever is the time to seek new innovation, such as process automation to accommodate the ever changing budget needs of the legal aid sector without changing the quality of service given to clients.

Criminal defence law as an example is a great place to start, where the process to administrating criminal law clients can be difficult and time consuming.

To help bridge the gap between legal aid and IT, Accesspoint took the opportunity to develop a Police Station attendance form. An automated form that provides an efficient way to capture client details offline/remotely, which are automatically pushed to your PMS.

Our award winning Police Station Attendance form continues to break barriers as it drastically lowers costs and save hours of Police Station admin work.

Main Features

Reduces errors: Instead of taking handwritten notes, a digital form is completed by Police Station advisors to help gather the required information about the client and the matter, including arrest and custody details. This ensures accurate data each time!

Up to date records: The form is filled in before, during and after interviews, with recording advice given at all stages.  Outcome details can be recorded, as well as bail information. Legal Aid and means criteria can also be gathered on the form. Finally, all time recording and mileage information can be captured. 

Tikit P4W integration: It has been integrated with Tikit’s Partner for Windows so that, following duplicate checks, it automatically creates clients and matters, posts all-time records and saves all other information into the matter.  Information gathered on the form can then be used to auto populate other forms and documents via case management.

Auto Populate Data: Information gathered on the form can then be used to auto populate other forms and documents via case management.


For more information on our different FormShare products please visit our website at:

Providing high quality 'off the shelf’ and bespoke legal IT development services to enable firms to work smarter and more efficiently.