
LPM South: How to make your practice more profitable from DPS Software

What is the main purpose of your business?

You may say to help your clients. Or maybe to uphold the rule of law. But the main purpose will be the same as almost any other business.

To make a profit.

After all, a business that isn’t making a profit, is a failing business. Increasing your profit margins makes it easier for you to grow your business and make it even more profitable. But how to you increase profits within your business?

There’s actually four ways.

You could make more sales, and bring in more clients. You could raise your prices, which is actually one of the most effective ways of quickly increasing profits. You can also decrease your fixed costs or decrease your variable costs.

If you do all four, then you are on to a winner.

A simple way to do this is to improve efficiency within your firm. With greater efficiency comes reduced costs and more time for your staff to work on more clients and do more billable work.

So how do you become more efficient? If you read our last blog on remote working, then you won’t be surprised to read that the answer is… Technology.

DPS Software offer a full holistic technology solution that improves efficiency throughout your firm. Fee earners, secretaries, accounts. All can save time and money using DPS.

Our Case Management System, DPS Spitfire, which is totally web-browser based, will help your fee earners and secretaries save hours each week on their work.

Once logged in, all the information they will need for their day’s work is available on the dashboard. Here they can see their emails, their appointments and tasks for the day as well as keep an eye on some key KPIs on their cases.

Setting up new clients in the system couldn’t be easier. Get the client to complete a form and then import it into the system. All fields are automatically populated in the system from the data in the form, with a client and matter created. This is particularly useful for criminal firms, where a duty solicitor may have taken interview notes on a form. But similarly, this can be used in all practice areas.

With Spitfire, you have an entirely electronic case file. This means that you no longer have any need for a paper file. Everything is simply saved on the system, meaning no need for bulky filing cabinets or piles of files cluttering up the office.

Incoming post can be scanned in to be automatically distributed to the correct fee earner and case, while outgoing documents can be signed and shared electronically. No need to print, sign and scan. This saves you money on paper, printing and postage. As well as the time spent waiting for it to print, dealing with paper jams, paying for toner, and waiting for the post to arrive.

Spitfire also has a full library of forms and letters for every practice area, that are automatically populated with the data you have already entered onto the file. This means that you don’t waste time entering the same data twice.

Spitfire also integrates with a number of third party solutions, again saving you time on double entry and making your practice more efficient.

DPS Spitfire also integrates with our Legal Accounting software, DPS Financial Director.

DPS Financial Director is a fully SRA compliant legal accounting system, built specifically for legal cashiers. Prepare invoices in seconds, reconcile bank statements in a click and operate across multiple currencies. Everything in Financial Director is there to make your accounts team more efficient and therefore make your practice more profitable.

To see Spitfire in action, make sure you visit us at LPM South on Monday 10th February. If you can’t wait until then, get in touch at or call us on 020 8804 1022.

Access Legal provides an unrivalled suite of software solutions that scale to your practice - freeing you up to focus on what you do best