Accesspoint Legal Services on how forward-thinking tech enables firms to combine old and new processes

The bridge between legal service requirements and IT has long been an important talking point but what can we really do to make things easier, faster and more informative? In some instances, the basic structure IT can take within a firm is limited, but it’s not only the physical constraints on what can be achieved – it’s also about changing people’s mindsets. You need to have a clear eye and an understanding of your firm’s future vision about using cost-effective IT solutions. Put simply: what’s the return on your investment? 

A prominent shift is happening across the legal sector as it progressively rises up and adopts new advances in technology. Gone are the days when a firm’s website merely acted as a shop window. These days we all expect to get the most out of our websites in terms of leads, efficiencies and analytics, so that we are able to pinpoint where our money is going and what receives the most clicks, and also identify potential new clients. 

More importantly, how can we best harvest the information generated by our web form enquiries in an automated way directly into the PMS? Clearly, firms that manage to achieve this have a much better chance of gaining that competitive edge and advantage through automated processing and cutting-edge customer relationship marketing. Needless to say, they can also tangibly measure what their ROI is now looking like, allowing them to make a much more accurate judgement on spending more of their hard-earned money in the right places.

This article was first published in the November 2019 issue of LPM ‘That’s not all, folks’.

Providing high quality 'off the shelf’ and bespoke legal IT development services to enable firms to work smarter and more efficiently.