
Things to consider when changing practice management software

Think about the last time you made a significant purchase. A new sofa, a set of garden furniture, a new car. Now think about how much research you did beforehand. You probably looked into several options, asked for opinions from friends and family, and scoured through online reviews.

When looking for a new business to partner with, you should be doing the same… and more.

You need to look at aspects such as operation processes, case studies and client reviews, as well as where the company is located and what products and services they offer. You should also always check their industry standards and accreditations. All of this should be compared to other businesses to ensure you pick the right one for you.

Selecting a legal software provider is no different. It’s like any other investment, and, when you decide to change practice management software for your law firm, it needs to be researched thoroughly. Carrying out the correct due diligence will ensure that you make the right informed decision for your organisation.

Due diligence when choosing new legal practice management software

When choosing a new legal software supplier for practice management software, there are additional specific aspects that need to be considered. Due diligence should include:

Security – law firms are known for being at high risk from cyber-attacks through both external and internal malicious activity. So security should be at the top of your list. A legal software supplier should be ISO certified to prove that sufficient steps have been put in place and that security is taken very seriously.

Smooth transition processes – make sure client reviews talk of smooth transition processes. Legal firms cannot risk anything untoward happening due to the type of data and information that is handled. Nor can they afford long periods of downtime.

In-depth knowledge – you want experts dealing with your software needs. Experience, knowledge and understanding on both the software options and the legal industry should be thorough, in-depth and constantly evolving.

Client support – there should be a range of support options in place to cater for all situations. These include: online forums; webchat; user areas with ‘how to’ guides; a helpline you can call into if you can’t find the answer online; and face-to-face assistance for certain aspects, such as complicated installations and setups.

Online tutorials to help train – these should come as standard to ensure that all staff have access to training to bring themselves up to speed, as well to refresh knowledge when necessary.

Tailored solutions for your firm’s needs – no two law firms are exactly the same, so legal practice management software should be able to be adapted to create a bespoke package to meet specific requirements.

Access Legal provides an unrivalled suite of software solutions that scale to your practice - freeing you up to focus on what you do best