
DPS Software ask could remote working be the way forward?

So the Beast from the East has struck and is currently menacing its way across the UK, causing havoc on the roads and railways, closing schools and preventing people from going to work.

You may have turned up to work this morning to find empty desks and the atmosphere of a morgue as people stay indoors rather than brave the Siberian storm.

So how does this affect your firm?

The single most important part of any company is its people, for without them, things simply do not get done and work grinds to a halt. So, if people aren’t coming into work, then things aren’t getting done. That urgent completion will lay dormant. Clients will be left in the cold (literally) and frustrated. Your business will suffer.


But it doesn’t have to be like this. Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, workers no longer have to be shackled to their desks. You can now do your job from anywhere in the world!

Have to stay at home with the kids? No problem.

Stuck in another city and the trains are all cancelled? Get yourself somewhere warm with some WiFi and you can get to work.

Car being repaired and no way to get to work? You get the idea.

The point is that we no longer have to abide by traditional ways of working as technology has set about a revolution in the way that we get things done. In fact, it is estimated that half of Britons will be working remotely by 2020.

What are the benefits of remote working?

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