Miller Insurance Services discuss: what happens if law firms fail to get covered by the 1 October PI renewal deadline?

Insurer capacity inevitably reduces further and further as the 1 October professional indemnity (PI) insurance deadline draws closer. Those law firms yet to secure cover for next year face a race against the clock (and other law firms) to secure the remaining affordable cover.

This year, we have had a considerable amount of law firms approach us at the last minute to seek alternative terms after receiving premium increases of up to 20%. We are now helping many firms navigate the final days before the deadline to maximise their chances of renewing on time.

If you are struggling to find insurance for your law firm then don’t panic. Your existing policy contains valuable breathing space for you to find a new one. You should also seek the advice of an experienced and proactive broker such as Miller.

What should you do if you have not found cover?

You have 30 days after your policy expires known as the Extended Indemnity Period (EIP) in which to find cover. If you haven’t found insurance after that time then you have another 60 days, called the Cessation Period (CP), in which to continue the search – although you won’t be able to take on any new work during that time until you have secured a new policy.

You must notify the SRA within five business days if you have entered the EIP and the CP by emailing

If your insurer has informed you that they will not be renewing your policy, then finding another insurer is relatively easy providing you seek the right expert advice.

Obtain your quote with Miller

We have helped many law firms find cover at the last minute, keeping their business open. With access to 14 ‘A-rated’ insurers (more than most other brokers) you are in safe hands with Miller.

If you’re struggling to renew or would like to benchmark your premium, simply send us your proposal form then we’ll do the rest.

You can also download our ‘Guide to buying solicitors professional indemnity insurance’ from our website for further information on the buying process.

We are a market leader in all aspects of programme design and placement of solicitors’ professional indemnity insurance, and [...]