Clocktimizer shares the current state of Legal Project Management

Firms often run countless numbers of complex matters at once. Keeping track of all this; the wins, the losses, whether something is over or under budget; is impossible without good project management. However, LPM’s are often held back by an inability to scale what they do. Without scale, firms can never truly benefit from the oversight and control project management can bring to their firm.

So, how can the legal industry tackle this problem? In this e-book, we’ll be looking at the state of LPM right now. Next, we’ll examine where LPM could go in the future and how to maximise its potential. We’ll share practical tips from project managers for those working in the industry. Finally, we will walk through a case study of how a firm made LPM scalable in order to improve more than just matter management.

Download Clocktimizer’s PDF now to read the case study in full.

Clocktimizer is a leading business intelligence solution that helps law firms understand who does what, when, where, and at what costs.