
DPS Software: LGSS Law wins practice manager/business team of the year award

LGSS Law won the Practice Manager/Business Team of the Year award at the Lawyers in Local Government Awards, which took place on Friday 24th November at the Burlington Hotel in Birmingham.

The award was won thanks to the ABS’s effective take up of DPS Software’s Practice Management Software and also successfully managing the business through a period of enormous change.

LGSS Law has been using DPS Software’s Practice Management Software since February 2017, which has helped them to make their business more productive and their staff more efficient across four offices.

Lynne Owen, of LGSS Law, said: “By using the range of solutions on offer from DPS, we have been able to vastly improve our business practices.”

“Following the merger between the three authorities into LGSS Law, we were tasked with combining two case management systems and a separate financial system, into one fully integrated and automated system, to enable work to be carried out across all four branch offices. The solution available from DPS Software has enabled us to achieve this.”

“The level of automation on offer has allowed us to speed up processes, reduce errors and improve the quality of our work, while the management reports available within the legal accounting system gives us valuable insight into the business and allows us to make informed business decisions.”

Osman Ismail, MD of DPS Software said: “We’re delighted for LGSS winning the Practice Manager and Business Team of the Year award and it is a matter of great pride that our software has helped them to do so.”

“We strive to make software for the greatest possible benefit of our clients. We know that in a market as diverse as legal services, one size does not fit all and, so we work hard to make customisable and bespoke IT solutions to enable law firms and local authority legal departments to operate in this industry efficiently.”

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