How Legal Workflow built a custom workflow to enforce compliance for one law firm

Written by Martin Langan, managing director at Legal Workflow

Advances in technology are driving both expectations and concerns. Law firms are under considerable pressure from their clients – and the government – to protect confidential information. Regulations to protect both consumers and businesses from, for example, money laundering and data breaches, mean that law firms need to comply and to be able to demonstrate that compliance. Failure to do so can result in hefty fines and the necessity to disclose such breaches will likely damage a firm’s reputation.

Having security controls in place to protect against cybersecurity attacks is one thing but what about the danger from inside the firm? Staff are a big concern.

For instance, how do YOU enforce compliance with your firm’s protocols and policies? How do YOU minimise the risk of mistakes when inputting sensitive data into multiple systems? And should the need arise, either at the request of a client or a government body, how do YOU demonstrate that your compliance systems work?

Read the case study to see how we helped one law firm develop their case management system so that it now:

enforces – and enables demonstration of – compliance with the firm’s protocols and policies

simplifies and automates creation of relevant and personalised communications and documentation

monitors financial information and automatically alerts case managers to approaching limits

streamlines work practices enabling legal practitioners to spend more time with their clients, and less time on repetitive and manual tasks.

Read the full blog here.

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