Legal industry expert Peter Buck joins NetDocuments

NetDocuments, the leading cloud-based document and email management (DMS) platform for law firms and corporate legal departments, announced today that legal industry expert, Peter Buck, has joined the company as VP of Product Strategy. Peter brings to NetDocuments a unique combination of deep experience in content management, machine learning, and the ever-changing needs of today’s legal professional. 

“In preparation for the next phase of growth, we continue to strengthen our executive team with the best talent,” said Matt Duncan, CEO. “Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest levels of security, usability, insight and delight. Now that NetDocuments is providing the industry’s highest levels of security and reliability, we can focus on driving usability and user delight to even higher levels, and Peter will play a key role in that.” 

Peter has vast knowledge and experience in applying content management technology to the practice of law. Combining Peter’s experience and ideas with the agility of the NetDocuments native cloud platform is a powerful and unique combination. With traditional on-premises technology delivery models, it can take years to get innovation into the hands of end users. With the NetDocuments trusted global cloud platform and single instance of software, the company can deliver innovation to its entire customer base at the same time and in a matter of months. 

In addition to vast experience in key areas such as search, email management, and user adoption, Peter brings significant experience in the application of machine learning technology in both law firms and corporate legal teams.

“Lawyer productivity and their client engagement is all about insight – knowledge of past patterns that produced successful outcomes, patterns that drove better margins or high productivity,” Peter stated. “The NetDocuments platform is managing daily content volumes above iManage or Box and accelerating on a per-user basis close to Salesforce. Content volumes at this level drives insight, productivity and ultimate better AI models. At NetDocuments I can collaborated with customers to build AI models that accelerate their business, while demystifying machine learning and AI. Ultimately at NetDocuments, we want you to think of ML as statistically backed approximation. It is a good thing we are starting with the best models and best data sets. I joined NetDocuments to solve your big data problems,” Peter concluded.

Prior to joining NetDocuments, Peter was Managing Director at HBR Consulting and joint leader of the Information Governance Practice at Duff & Phelps, a leading management consulting advisor to corporate legal and law firms. Peter is known for creating solutions at the intersection of business and technology, his work with legal teams and business operations have delivered double-digit productivity gains through technology. You can follow Peter on Twitter @Backofthenapkin. 

NetDocuments is the world’s #1 trusted Document management platform where legal professionals do their best work.