
Law Society endorsed legal software house Eclipse chooses The Link App as their official app partner

The Link App announced today that it has been chosen by the UK’s leading provider of legal software, Eclipse Legal Systems, to become the firm’s Official App Partner. Eclipse, the only legal software provider endorsed by the Law Society, provides the Proclaim Case Management and Practice Management Software system to over 900 organisations, representing more than 24,000 individual users.

Recognising the benefits of integrating The Link App into Eclipse’s Proclaim system highlights The Link App’s increasingly strong position as a major legal technology provider.

The Link App is a cutting edge app designed to improve communication between lawyers and their clients, helping them improve their efficiency and increase productivity, setting law firms apart in this regard from their competitors. Founder and CEO Lauren Riley was a qualified lawyer before setting up The Link App. Her inspiration for the design of this client communication tool came from her direct experience of what matters to clients and how to keep them happy.

Clients benefit from having The Link App on their smartphones to receive regular (often real-time) updates from their lawyers direct to mobile, eradicating the need for clients to chase for progress reports and also – surprisingly perhaps – tightening security as, unlike most email traffic, exchanges via the app are encrypted.

Darren Gower, marketing director at Eclipse, says:

“We are excited to be partnering with The Link App. Not only is its reputation in the marketplace already very strong, but this solution plays a vital role in enabling the ‘self-service’ approach that is being demanded by law firm clients. We look forward to seeing our partnership flourish.”

Lauren Riley added:

“We are delighted to be partnering with such a well-reputed company. Especially as technology companies could build their own apps, it is particularly gratifying that Eclipse recognises the strong offering that The Link App has and the value it will add to their law firms. This partnership marks the next stage in The Link App’s exciting development.”

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