LEAP enhances technical support and grows team

LEAP, the world’s leading cloud software provider for small law firms, has recently transformed its UK customer service model, moving from an inbound helpdesk telephone system to a LiveChat system. 80% of support enquiries are now resolved within 20 minutes.

The previous helpdesk system operated as most technical support lines do. A client calls in, they are given a reference number and then called back. The typical time to resolve a technical issue using this phone-based system is between two and three hours.

Now, a client logs onto the LiveChat system, the call is automatically logged and the client is straight away talking to the technical support team. The team operates a triage system, similar to that used in a hospital accident and emergency room and 80% of problems are resolved straightaway. The option of phone support is always available. As support team member Sam Thomas says “There will always be people who prefer a phone call, but if they let us know that, we can give them a call and hopefully we can please everyone.”

According to support team advisor John Stevenage “Live Chat allows us to ask for more information about the problem without waiting for an email to be seen, read and maybe even forgotten about.”

With the LiveChat system all ten of the LEAP support team say they have resolved an issue with online chat within one minute. How many phone-based teams can claim that? LEAP’s support team is UK-based, currently comprises of ten members, with three more to be added because of sales growth before the end of 2016.

Sarah Martin-Lewis, Helpdesk Manager for LEAP, comments: “Clients understand that LiveChat means an immediate response to a query without having to wait in a queue for a period of time. I have been with LEAP for over 12 years, I originally started working for LEAP as the only helpdesk technician and since that time have worked in almost every department at LEAP.”

LEAP Customer agent Rhys Tudor-Davies adds “LiveChat provides the facility to support a growing customer base more efficiently compared with customers calling us. This gives us the opportunity to resolve multiple issues at once and allows customers to get in touch quickly without the need to be kept on-hold.”

LEAP UK CEO Peter Baverstock comments: “We are exceptionally proud of our support team and we are delighted that the LiveChat system is working so well. We will never give up on a technical problem. We pride ourselves in having the best software for small law firms and we can now add the best support to that.”

LEAP customer Derek Adkins, DRA Conveyancing Ltd. comments “We have found the LEAP support to be patient and reliable in sorting things out, wherever the issue lay. To illustrate this, I was recently working whilst flying at 35,000 feet on an airline which offers Wi-Fi; having some problems, I contacted LEAP Support via email. They promptly logged on to my laptop remotely and almost fixed my issue (only weak Wi-Fi preventing full resolution). The next working day LEAP completed the fix allowing me to be fully engaged in the running of my practice, and the accounts, whilst 5,000 miles away from UK. LEAP is truly a ‘work anywhere’ solution and we are happy we made the switch from our previous accounts and case management software.”

and finally ….

Some amusing quotes from the support team have received from clients include:

“Could you just pop down and sort this out for us? I’ll make you a nice cup of tea and a sandwich.”

“Would you like to come to a birthday party? There will be curry.”

“The moths are back. Can you help?”

LEAP is a cloud legal software solution for small law firms wishing to become more efficient, more flexible and make more money!